Afsheen Ismail Wey

Afsheen Ismail-Wey, CEO and Leadership Advisor of The Phoenix Coaching Co., specializes in enhancing

leadership impact across the Leadership Lifecycle. Her copyrighted Leadership Lifecycle Model is

validated by HR leaders globally, and her insights have been shared by the Forbes Coaches Council and

ICF Thought Leaders Ins􀆟tute. With over 18 years as an HR leader at mul􀆟na􀆟onals like KPMG,

Mondelez, and Abbo􀆩, Afsheen is a commi􀆩ed DEIB advocate, currently serving as an ICF Global DEIB

Advisory Board Member. Originally from Pakistan, she has lived in 8 countries over 25 years and now

resides in Switzerland with her husband and son.

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